Fully compliant with European and International standards, the SONIK range of products are data-logging with FREE dBdataLITE PC software for data storage, analysis and retrieval. The instruments come in several varieties dedicated to certain applications such as Noise at Work risk assessments, Environmental monitoring and noise analysis tasks.
Data-logging with free PC software
Large memory
Dual Measurements
Measurement timers
Automatic calibration with dBCal Calibrator
’A’, ’C’ or ’Z’ Frequency Weighting
’Slow’, ’Fast’ or ’Impulse’ Time Weighting
Battery 4xAA approx. 12 hours
The SONIK SE is a Class 1 data-logging, sound level meter for Health and Safety Professionals, Consultants, and Engineers. The SONIK SE will assess to the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 and International Codes of Practice.
Multiple Parameters
Simultaneous Leq and Peak measurements
Personal exposure parameters (Lep’d/DOSE)
Hearing Protector Calculator (Within dBdata PC software)
Approx. 6000 measurements stored